Important tips for domestic care - what is there to consider?


Any one of us may require long-term care at some point,
whether due to aging or a disability. 


However, what happens when we suddenly need assistance?

Or if we have to care for a family member?

How can we arrange for reliable and effective care at home?

What resources are available to us?


Moreover, providing domestic care and support can be an enormous burden for caregivers and can result in emotional turbulence. 

In this article, we aim to demonstrate how you can manage domestic care and ensure both good care and a positive environment. We will offer tips on how to tackle daily challenges and provide the best possible support for your loved ones.

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Domestic care – a good decision?!

Domestic care presents an opportunity for many people to continue living in their homes during their golden years or when they are ill. Nonetheless, providing domestic care necessitates a great deal of organization and preparation to ensure quality care. If you are considering caring for someone at home, there are a few things you should keep in mind.


  1. Which type of domestic care
    First and foremost, determine the type of domestic care needed. Is it simply occasional assistance around the house, daily help with personal hygiene, or round-the-clock intensive care? Depending on your requirements, various care services are available.

  2. Who provide the care
    If you decide to pursue home care, you must also consider who will provide the care. While family members or friends may be able to assist, professional care services can also provide valuable support.

  3. Which tools you need
    To guarantee dependable and excellent care, equipment such as wheelchairs, care beds, or walking aids are usually required. These tools not only make daily life more comfortable but also assist caregivers.

Icon Lampe Hinweis

Although domestic care can be a fantastic way to remain in your own home during your twilight years or during an illness, it necessitates careful preparation and organization to ensure optimal care. Good planning and the utilization of help and aids make caregiving much easier.




How do I find out which care aid is most suitable for my situation?


Icon Arzt

To determine which care aid is most suitable for your situation, we recommend speaking with your or your loved one's treating physician or therapist. They can take into account individual needs and limitations and recommend a suitable aid.




Icon Internet

There are also numerous online resources that can help you select the right care aid. These include information pages from organizations or manufacturers, such as ourselves. On our pages, you can find not only technical specifications for a product but also its benefits and potential uses.


Icon Foren und Gruppen

Forums or support groups can also be a valuable source of information, as they allow caregivers and affected individuals to share their experiences and recommendations.



Please keep in mind that the most suitable care aid always depends on your individual situation. Therefore, it may be useful to visit a specialist retailer and have various aids demonstrated and explained to you, so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs.



What aids can make caregiving at home easier?

There are a variety of aids that can make caregiving at home easier. Here are some examples:


DriveDevilbiss Anitdekubitus Matratze
Care beds

A care bed can make it easier to reposition and position the person being cared for. It can be individually adjusted to the patient's needs, for example, with an electrically adjustable lying surface or special mattress pads. To reduce the risk of pressure ulcers, we offer various systems at Drive DeVilbiss.

DriveDevilbiss Lifter
Lifters and lifting aids

A lifter or lifting aid can help with transferring the patient from the bed to the chair, toilet or wheelchair.

DriveDevilbiss Rollstuhl

A wheelchair can increase the mobility of the person being cared for and allow for a certain level of independence. It also provides important support for the caregivers.

DriveDevilbiss Badewannenlifter
Bath lifts

A bath lift, such as our Bellavita Nova, makes it easier to get in and out of the bathtub and reduces the risk of injuries or falls.

DriveDevilbiss Toilettensitzerhöhung
Toilet seat risers

A toilet seat riser makes it easier to stand up and sit down on the toilet and promotes the independence and privacy of the person being cared for.

DriveDevilbiss Beistellstisch
Eating and drinking aids

Special eating and drinking aids can make independent eating and drinking easier, such as special cutlery and drinking cups. Supportive aids include care and bedside tables, which increase patient comfort.



DriveDevilbiss Duschstuhl
Personal care aids

Personal care aids such as disposable washcloths or special shower chairs assist with daily personal care.

Incontinence aids

Incontinence aids such as diapers or pads help with urinary incontinence or bladder weakness.

The best aid for an individual situation depends on various factors, such as the needs of the person being cared for, the living situation, and financial resources. Individual advice from a physician or specialist retailer can be helpful in this regard.


7 Tips that greatly facilitate domestic care

Caring for a person is not only physically challenging, but also mentally taxing. Here are a few helpful tips that can make domestic care easier and relieve daily stress:


  1. Build a supportive network:
    Caregiving can be a huge burden for family caregivers. It's important to seek support and help from family, friends, neighbours, or professional caregivers. You don't have to do it all alone!

  2. Create clear structures:
    It's important to create clear structures and rules for the daily care routine. This includes having a set care ritual or a care checklist to keep track of daily tasks.

  3. Create a pleasant atmosphere:
    A positive home atmosphere can help make daily life easier and create a pleasant mood. This can include things like beautiful decorations, pleasant lighting, or calming music.

  4. Plan shared activities:
    Shared activities like walks, board games, or cooking together can help create a positive mood and break up the daily routine.

  5. Take breaks:
    Taking breaks and resting is important for maintaining your own health and well-being. Family caregivers should take time for themselves and care for their own needs.

  6. Learn about financial support:
    There are various financial supports and relief options available for family caregivers. Learn about these options to ease financial burden.

  7. Seek professional support:
    When needed, seek professional support from caregivers or care services to make domestic care easier and relieve daily stress.



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