Everything about electric wheelchairs: advantages, models and properties


The world of mobility aids has made significant advances in recent years and power wheelchairs are one of the most important innovations in this area. For people with limited mobility, electric wheelchairs offer a convenient and flexible way to get around and enjoy life.


We have summarized everything you need to know about electric wheelchairs. Learn more about their benefits, features, and differences from other mobility aids, and find out what factors to consider when choosing the right power wheelchair for you.


Advantages of electric wheelchairs over manual wheelchairs



Electric wheelchairs

Firstly, electric wheelchairs enable people with restricted mobility to lead a more independent and active lifestyle. They also reduce physical strain and fatigue that can occur when using manual wheelchairs. Moreover, they tend to be faster and more maneuverable than manual wheelchairs, making them easier to move and navigate in tight spaces and outdoors.

Thanks to their range, electric wheelchairs offer people with restricted mobility the opportunity to cover longer distances, which is particularly beneficial for those who like to be out and about a lot, in everyday life or on vacation.


Manual wheelchairs

Manual wheelchairs, on the other hand, are typically more suitable for individuals who have sufficient physical strength and mobility to operate the wheelchair themselves, and who value physical exercise. Because that's the advantage of a manual wheelchair: you keep moving.



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Whether manual or electric wheelchair, the choice depends on the individual needs, limitations, and preferences of the user. It's best to try both and get detailed advice from specialist medical supply stores and dealers.



Why electric wheelchair?
Isn't a pushing aid for the manual wheelchair enough?

A power wheelchair and a manual push assist wheelchair differ in how they work and the level of assistance they provide.


A powered push assist, like our PowerStroll, is an additional device that attaches to a manual wheelchair and allows the attendant pushing the wheelchair to propel the wheelchair with less effort. An electric pushing aid does not relieve the wheelchair user themselves, but rather the relatives pushing or the caregiver, which is a great relief, especially if a person in need of care is pushed frequently. Pushing a person without electrical support can represent a considerable physical strain, especially on inclines.

The electric pushing aid is usually powered by a motor or a battery, which supports the movement of the wheelchair.

A power wheelchair, on the other hand, is a wheelchair that is powered by an electric motor and offers a variety of control options for the wheelchair user. The wheelchair user can fully control the speed, direction and movement of the wheelchair without the need for an outside person to push the wheelchair.

Power wheelchairs thus provide full support for people who are physically challenged and have difficulty operating the wheelchair manually.




Whether a pushing aid is sufficient depends on the degree of disability of the wheelchair user and individual needs.


Difference between electric wheelchair and e-scooter

Both an electric wheelchair and an e-scooter, also known as a senior mobile, are both electrically powered vehicles designed for people with restricted mobility. 

However, the main difference between the two aids lies in their functionality and design.




A power wheelchair is primarily designed for people with severely limited mobility and offers excellent maneuverability in tight spaces and at low speeds. Power wheelchairs are usually equipped with a control unit that allows the user to steer the wheelchair independently, usually with one hand.


An e-scooter, also known as a mobility scooter, on the other hand, is intended for people who are still able to walk short distances but find it difficult to walk longer distances due to pain, fatigue or other limitations. Mobility scooters are equipped with a comfortable seat and handlebars that make it easy to drive and steer, transporting the user from A to B with ease.



Here are the main differences at a glance:


Electric wheelchairs are usually slower than electric scooters and have a lower top speed. Our electric wheelchairs have a maximum speed of 6 km/h. Scooters from Drive DeVilbiss can reach up to 15 km/h depending on the model.


Electric wheelchairs are very maneuverable and can be easily maneuvered in tight spaces and narrow aisles, while electric scooters are usually wider, heavier and therefore less agile. However, there are also very small and compact electric scooters like our Crow or Raven that are even collapsible.



An electric wheelchair, especially a foldable one, is approximately the size and dimensions of a manual wheelchair. Therefore, it can also be used indoors. Senior mobiles, or e-scooters, are usually larger and intended as outdoor transportation.


Electric scooters usually have a greater range than electric wheelchairs and can travel longer distances before needing to be recharged.


Electric wheelchairs are usually used by people who are permanently reliant on a wheelchair, while electric scooters are mobile companions for people who only occasionally need support to travel longer distances.


Electric wheelchairs can be customized to meet the specific needs of the user, while electric scooters are less adaptable.


Ultimately, whether you choose an electric scooter or an e-scooter depends on your individual needs, preferences, and limitations.


Advantages of folding powerchairs

Folding electric wheelchairs are the perfect companion for people with limited mobility who are frequently on the go or living in apartments with limited space.



Foldable electric wheelchairs are lighter and more portable than traditional electric wheelchairs. If you are frequently on the move, whether in a car, train, or plane, a folding electric wheelchair is an ideal option. These wheelchairs can be easily folded and stored in a trunk or bag, giving you the freedom to travel anytime, anywhere.


A traditional electric wheelchair can take up a lot of space in your home or apartment. In contrast, a foldable electric wheelchair can be conveniently collapsed and stored, making it an ideal option for people with limited space.

   Easy operation

Folding electric wheelchairs are easy and intuitive to operate and do not require any additional skills or training. Users can quickly learn how to fold or operate them.


Conclusion: With a folding electric wheelchair, you can make your life more active and participate in activities that you couldn't do before due to your mobility limitations or a too bulky wheelchair



Where can I drive an electric wheelchair?

Sidewalk or road? 

In most countries an electric vehicle can be driven wherever pedestrian traffic is allowed. However, the rule also applies to electric wheelchairs: the applicable traffic regulations must be observed. This means on sidewalks: walking speed! This is a maximum of 6 km/h. With our foldable electric wheelchairs, you won't have any problems here.

However, if the electric wheelchair or electric vehicle can go faster, it is still allowed to be driven on the sidewalk, but only if the speed is reduced to 6 km/h. If you have to drive faster or avoid sidewalks because there are none available, you should preferably drive along the edge of the road and make sure that you are clearly visible to other road users.

Please note that there are different laws and regulations from country to country. Therefore, always inform yourself about local regulations before using your electric wheelchair.


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What do I need to consider when driving my electric wheelchair outside?

To be able to use your motorized aid outdoors, certain conditions must be met, especially a functioning lighting system. Even on sidewalks, it is important that your electric wheelchair has suitable headlights and taillights according to the requirements of the road traffic regulations.

The lighting is already included in the delivery of our models that are used outside. Therefore, please indicate when purchasing whether you will also be driving your electric wheelchair on public paths. If you later decide that you also want to use your wheelchair outdoors, it is possible to retrofit it with lighting.

If you use your electric wheelchair on the road, you do not need a special driver's license. In addition, there is no separate insurance required for a possible maximum speed of 6 km/h. Typically, the electric wheelchair is covered by your household and liability insurance. However, you should inquire with your insurance company whether the wheelchair is also insured in case of theft or damage outside the home – and if so, to what extent.

If the electric aid, however, drives faster than 6 km/h, a separate motor vehicle liability insurance must be taken out. Please note that there are different laws and regulations from country to country. Therefore, always inform yourself about local regulations.




The electric wheelchairs from Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare

Our electric wheelchairs Instafold and Airfold belong to the category of foldable E-wheelchairs and are therefore extremely lightweight. They fit into standard cars and are very easy to transport.

As standard, they are equipped with two 20 Ah lithium-ion batteries, which means more range. Our E-wheelchairs feature an intuitive control panel and can be operated using joysticks. Get to know our two powerhouses.


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