Christmas Joy of Giving: Doing Good Together


In the festive season of the year, when giving takes on special significance, we have once again chosen to make a sustainable contribution. Instead of traditional gifts, we have decided to donate during the Christmas season, bringing warmth and assistance to where it is urgently needed.

We have supported a total of four organizations in Mannheim and Isny with a monetary donation. These charitable institutions are dedicated to various causes.



Celine Tzeschlock (left) and Katrin Stadelmann (right) from DeVilbiss Healthcare GmbH together
with the founder Anette Steybe

Salomons Weg e.V. Isny
The Association for Star Child Families

The heart of Salomons Weg e.V. is the group that regularly meets for exchange. Here, parents of star children are offered a protected space where they can openly connect and share their experiences. The vision of the association was initiated by Anette and Thomas Steybe, who are not only proud parents of an earthly child but also carry three star children in their hearts. Their empathetic understanding and personal connection shape the atmosphere of the association. Salomons Weg e.V. is more than an organization – here, families find comfort, understanding, and the certainty that they are not alone through shared stories and mutual support.



Kurt Peter, Chairman of the Foundation (left) and Thomas Straub, Commercial Director
from DeVilbiss Healthcare GmbH 

Stiftung Valentina Wangen
Strength for Little Heroes

Valentina was a brave, cheerful, and impressive girl who lost her battle against a very aggressive bone tumor. The foundation was established by her parents and siblings after her death to help the lives of other seriously and terminally ill children, as well as their families. The foundation's vision is to help seriously ill children achieve the highest possible quality of life until the end. The goal is to finance an outpatient and inpatient pediatric palliative care service in the southern German region in collaboration with the University Hospital Ulm.



Kinderhospiz Sterntaler Mannheim
Companionship on their difficult Journey

The Mannheim association Kinderhospiz Sterntaler e.V. stands by the side of children with life-shortening illnesses, as well as young adults and their families, to accompany them on their challenging journey. Committed to the hospice philosophy, the association sees dying as a part of life. With dedicated support, the association not only provides practical help but also offers comfort and solace to the affected children and their families in challenging times. In a compassionate network of support and understanding, Kinderhospiz Sterntaler helps ensure that these families are not alone, even beyond death.

Wünschewagen Mannheim
Helping Seriously Ill People

Since September 2016, Wünschewagen Mannheim has been fulfilling the last heartfelt wishes of seriously ill people. Whether it's petting a monkey or simply enjoying the last sunset, Wünschewagen Mannheim strives to fulfill every wish, even if it's the last one.


We are grateful for the opportunity to put our values into action and have a positive impact on our community. Let us together spread the joy of giving into the world and make the Christmas season a time of compassion and support.